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Photo of Michael David Griffin Netherlands

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Date of birth: July 1, 1949
Birthplace : Indianapolis, IN, USA
Education: Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Fields of study: Psychology and Art

Selected Solo Exhibitions:

2006 Galerie Theatre Het Fijnhout, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2006 Art Manifestation 'Terra Incognita', Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2006 Galleria Paolo Paesini, Rimini, Italy...

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Photo of Michael David Griffin Netherlands

Date of birth: July 1, 1949
Birthplace : Indianapolis, IN, USA
Education: Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, U.S.A.
Fields of study: Psychology and Art

Selected Solo Exhibitions:

2006 Galerie Theatre Het Fijnhout, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2006 Art Manifestation 'Terra Incognita', Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2006 Galleria Paolo Paesini, Rimini, Italy
2005 Amsterdam City Government, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2002 Jan van Schaik Interieur Designers, Voorburg, The Netherlands
1993 Galerie Messina, Bern, Switzerland
1990 Hilton Galerie, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1990 Galerie Gisele Bidenbach, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1989 Galleria Otello, Basel, Switzerland
1988 Galerie Busch, Berlin, Germany
1988 Galerie Cirque Central, Gent, Belgium
1987 Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1985 Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1984 Galerie Metz, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1982 Galerie Barbara Farber, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1981 Assurantie Beurs Centrum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1980 Shaffytheater, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Selected Group Exhibitions:

2008 Galerie Beeldendgesproken, 'Street Project', Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2007 Kunstsalon, Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2007 Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2006 Amsterdarm City Government, 'Politicians Choose', Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2006 Art Manifestation 'Arts in the Air', Beeldend Gesproken, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
2005 Galerie WG Kunst, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

1990 Galerie Gisele Bidenbach, Amstedam, The Netherlands
1985 Kunstaktionswoche, 'Die Anweisung', Berlin, Germany
1984 Kunst Manifestatie, Galerie Barbara Farber, Nieuwe Kerk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1983 Galerie Barbara Farber, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Works in the Collections of:

Galerie Beeldend Gesproken, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Academisch Medisch Centrum, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
City of Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands

Bibliography [return to top]

1. Holland Herald Magazine, Vol. 17, No. 5, May 1982, ART HIGHLIGHTS, p. 57.

2. Kunstbeeld, May 1982, KEUZE KALENDER , Ed Wingen, p. 31.

3. Elseviers Weekblad, May 15, 1982, SELECTIONS, p. 170.

4. Arts en Auto, May 19, 1982, CHASEN EN GRIFFIN IN AMERICAN GRAFFITI, C.A. Schilp, p. 8.

5. De Telegraaf, May 19, 1982, CHASEN EN GRIFFIN IN AMERICAN GRAFFITI, Joop van Loon, p. 8.

6. Weekend Magazine, May 22, 1982, AMERIKANEN IN AMERICAN GRAFFITI, Joop van Loon, p. 8.

7. This Weeks Art and Culture in Amsterdam, May 20, 1982, AMERICAN GRAFFITI GALLERY, p. 5.

8. Uitgaan, May 13, 1982, BICENTENNIAL TENTOONSTELLING, p. 4.

9. Het Parool, May 25, 1982, TWEE HOLLANDSE AMERIKANEN, Jan Bart Klaster, p. 17.

10. Tableau, Vol. 5. No. 1, September, 1982, TWO AMERICAN PAINTERS IN HOLLAND, p. 77.

11. The Other Paper, June 1983, No. 11, A POSITIVE ADDICTION, Gini Werner, p. 10.

12. Entrée Kultuurkrant Delft, October 1983, Vol. 2, No. 2, EEN AMERIKAAN IN DELFT, G. Kany, p. 8

13. De Medicus, April 13, 1985, pp. 1-2. Pp. 1-2.

14. Flair, Belgium, September 8, 1987, pp. 46-47.

15. Berliner Kunstblatt, Germany, Catalogue, KUNST KONZENTRIERT, 1988, Galerie Busch, p. 17.

16. Berliner Kunstblatt, Germany, Catalogue, KUNST STROMINGEN IN DE NEDERLANDSE SCHILDERKUNST NA 1945 UIT DE COLLECTIE VAN HET ACADEMISCH MEDISCH CENTRUM, 1989, pp. 174 and 353 (Figure P. 215). Printed by Veenman Zn.

17. Oltner Tagblatt, Switzerland, April 25, 1989, UBER DEN GEFUHLSWEG KOMMUNIZIEREN, Jacqueline Lausch, p. 21.

18. Solothurner Nachrichten, Switzerland, April 29, 1989, GROSSRAUMIG, AUSDRUCKSSTARK, FARBENFROH, Hans R. Frohlich, p. 15.

19. The Echo, Amsterdam, 2006, Wietse Schmidt, p. 2.54

20. De Volkskrant, March 29, 2006, SEREEN DWALEN DOOR DE BROEDPLAATS, Xandra de Jongh, p. 16.

21. TV North Holland, Short Documentary over Terra Incognito, April 4, 2006.

22. Salto TV, Short documentary over Terra Incognita project, April 11, 2006.

23. Brochure "Succesvol begeleiden van vrijwilligers met psychische klachten", p. 9, 2007

24. Brochure " Succesvol in je vrijwilligerswerk" , p. 8, 2007 25. Beeldrechtvergoeding internet (pdf-brochure), 2007

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